1.2 Shore Galleries – Where it All Began

Chapter 1 – Myth and Motherload

1.2 Shore Galleries – Where it All Began















Shore Galleries – Where it All Began

X-Mas in February 2010

Where it All Began

A Few Little known Facts

Colt 1860 R-Issue Business Opportunity

About Production

Market Coverage



X-Mas in February 2010


Chicago in February can be pretty miserable. But, Lincolnwood, some 10 miles northwest of the downtown of the Windy City is the Mecca of Centaure aficionados the world over. That is if you can make an appointment with Mitchell Shore at Shore Galleries, 3318 W. Devon Ave, Lincolnwood, IL 60712 (



1.2_1 View of Chicago from East Wacker Drive on Feb. 27, 2010


As the second son of well-known Sigmund “Sig” Shore, who was a founder of the replica industry and instrumental in the realisation of the Centaure project, Mitch Shore was virtually born with Centaures in his hands. During the 1960s, together with his brother Scott, he is the one who actually made the Regular New Model Army (RNMA) 3rd variation, the variant with the Colt/Ormsby type naval engagement scene on the cylinder. But that is another story. I will tell it in another chapter of this website.

Mitch successfully runs Shore Galleries’ family business in its third generation; “… from an auctioneer of fine art, to a gun peddler”, as his dad used to exclaim. Shore Galleries traces its roots back to 1956. It evolved from an auction house specialising in arts and antiques to a sporting goods dealer, importer of reproduction antique firearms and surplus military arms to the law enforcement supply company it is today. But more importantly here, Mitch is the proud curator and keeper of the most exciting complete collection of early Centaures and Fabriques d‘Armes Unies de Liège (F.A.U.L.) memorabilia known to this cowboy.



Where it All Began


Thanks to the introduction of Dr. Jim Davis of Replica Percussion Revolver Collector’s Association RPRCA) ( a contact was established with Mr. Leslie Field, formerly of Mars Equipment Corporation, Chicago. Mars Equipment was founded in 1958. Within the Shore group of businesses this company was in charge of the military surplus gun business but more important regarding the Centaure story for the import of Centaures into the U.S.A. Today Les Field is the legal counsel to Shore Galleries. Back then his prime responsibility was the military surplus gun business and his role of liaison officer with Fabriques d‘Armes Unies de Liège (F.A.U.L.). This gentleman is one of the very few original founders of the replica industry still around.


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1.2_2 Shore Galleries in Lincolnwood, IL, suburb of Chicago, during the late 1950s


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1.2_3 Mitchell Shore, head of Shore Galleries. February 27, 2010


Wolf D. Niederastroth: „I will always be thankful to Leslie Field for the wealth of background information he provided about the early years in the life of our favourite Belgian Colts and for setting up this meeting on February 27, 2010 with Mitchell Shore and his team.“

„Les had him open his gun vault for me. This way I could have a look at this wonderful Centaure collection his dad and Bill Edwards had started.“

„The following chapters are spiced somewhat by a few of Leslie Field’s and Mitch Shore’s recollections back from the days and some pictures that I was privileged to take!“


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1.2_4 Leslie Field, legal counsel of Shore Galleries



A Few Little known Facts


Sigmund „Sig“ Shore and William B. „Bill“ Edwards shared a common interest in military history and Civil War guns. As we know today they made the Centaure “1960 NEW MODEL ARMY, the modern made, quality re-issue of the time proven Civil War warhorse Colt 1860 Army, ready before the Centennial of the war in 1961 for the American shooters and re-enactors, a reality.


1.2_5 F.A.U.L. blunderbuss: Engraved metal and carved stock


They must have started putting their heads together early during the second half of the 1950s, about the time Val Forgett of Navy Arms toured Europe and Italy to eventually team up with Vittorio Gregorelli and Aldo Uberti for the making of his Colt Navy 1851, the 1862 Griswold & Gunnisson .36 cal. CSA revolvers and also a few months later Remington New Model 1863 Armies and Navies replicas. Interestingly, also this enterprise was helped by Edwards.



1.2_6 Close-up of F.A.U.L. blunderbuss: Note details of carved stock



Colt 1860 Re-Issue Business Opportunity


Shore realized the business opportunity in the making of a Colt 1860 reproduction. He provided the financial funds for this enterprise. Edwards was the technical expert with the manufacturing know-how. He knew the right maker for this cap & ball revolver in Europe.


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1.2_7 F.A.U.L. sales man’s 1:2 scale fully functional sample SxS percussion shotgun (bottom) vs. Centaure for size comparison


It was Edwards who brought Belgian Fabriques d’Armes Unies de Liège (F.A.U.L.) into play. He got to know them as reliable business partners with other U.S. firms from previous replica projects regarding single shot flint lock and percussion rifles, shotguns and pistols.


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1.2_8 Close-up of the SxS: Note details of engraving


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1.2_9 Engraved patch box


Through 3 letters of credit, Sigmund Shore funded the Centaure project with close to U.S. $ 0.5 Mio. Fabriques d‘Armes Unies de Liège (FA.U.L.) needed this credit to tool up, make model guns, purchase material, etc. The Belgians then shipped, and invoiced, the Centaures at a bit less than $ 40.00/piece to sister company Mars Equipment.

Explains Field: “Shipments were usually 50 to 100 Centaures. Sometimes they came in by air.“

„Turn-around time was quick, around 2 to 3 months at the most.“

„Shipment and invoicing was to Mars Equipment. Initially Mars sold the Centaures to Centennial Arms Corp, another Shore company founded in 1960 for the sole purpose to function as a replica arms dealer. That was to be an arms-length arrangement because later Mars would sell to other US dealers as well.”


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1.2_10 1959 made M stamped model gun RNMA 1st variation 1st sub-variation #M1; Barrel marking “1960 NEW MODEL ARMY”; brass loading rod is from Centaure Pocket Army


Les Field was involved with Mars from the beginning. Players at Mars were Sigmund Shore as majority shareholder, in addition to Leslie Field, William B. Edwards, Robert Ruvell and Dr. Frank A. Torrey.

Centennial Arms consisted of Shore again as majority and Edwards and Field as minority shareholders. Remembers Field: “I worked full-time with Mars and Centennial, but Edwards never surrendered his writing and editing. From the early 1960s he worked most of the time with GUN MAGAZINE which rewarded Centennial Arms with decent conditions for ads in return.”



About Production


Field’s recollections about production: “A.L. Roncarati, an Italian immigrant, was contracted (by F.A.U.L.) to produce the barrels, cylinders, and frames made of tool steel for the 1860 Army in the white.“

„First revolvers were rejected because barrels did not line up with cylinders and frames.“

„Early arbors were made of low carbon steel and stretched when fired with normal black powder loads used in the U.S. All calibrations of the early design were based on data of Belgium proof loads which were much lighter that those used in the U.S. This arbor later was changed to a harder steel.”