1.4 The Motherload – Highlights of the Shore Collection

Chapter 1 – Myth and Motherload

1.4 The Motherload – Highlights of the Shore Collection















The Motherload – Highlights of the Shore Collection

Regular New Model Armies CRNMAs)

Civilian Models

Cavalry Models

Pocket Army Models



Regular New Model Armies (RNMAs)


#2: Until November of 2015 she was the Regular New Model Army (RNMA) with the lowest serial number recorded in the survey. In August of 2020 she still is the oldest RNMA 3rd variation. It is our considered opinion today, however, that she was used as a reference sample at Centennial Arms Corp. originally for some years before the two Shore boys, Mitch and Scott, applied her naval scene roll-engraving with the Haas apparatus sometime in 1961/62!


D:\#2 RNMA 3V 1SV MS USA\1-wm_7643644.jpg

1.4_1 RNMA 3rd variations 1st sub-variation #2 from 1959 at which time she still featured a plain cylinder making her an RNMA 1st variation 1st sub-variation


D:\#2 RNMA 3V 1SV MS USA\1-P1020633.JPG

1.4_2 Close-up of RNMA #2: Note early production barrel marking „1960 NEW MODEL ARMY“


D:\#2 RNMA 3V 1SV MS USA\1-P1020634.JPG

1.4_3 Close-up of RNMA #2: Note visible serial numbers on barrel lug, frame and trigger guard, no logo which is typical for the early Centaure production


#9.6: Another early RNMA 3rd variation 1st sub-variation with a dot between the two digits of the serial number not seen on any other Centaure documented. Even in 2020 no explanation can be proposed for this dot.


D:\#9.6 RNMA 3V 1SV MS USA\1-P1020721.JPG

1.4_4 RNMA 3rd variation 1st sub-variation #9.6


Please, note the unusual application of the ELG proof mark and the *Y inspector mark of Francois Delsaux near the CENTENNIAL on the anterior roll-engraved segment of the cylinder. These proof marks are normally stamped on the rebated portion of the cylinder. Delsaux served at the Liège Proof house from 1959 to 1968 when the stamping of these inspector marks was discontinued.


D:\#9.6 RNMA 3V 1SV MS USA\1-P1020725.JPG

1.4_5 Close-up of Cylinder of RNMA #9.6: Unusual location of ELG oval and inspector mark * over Y on forward band of cylinder


#1099: RNMA 2nd variation 1st sub-variation found with two (2) unusual features: 1) Perfectly custom fitted bi-colour grips made of horn! 2) The legend ENGAGED 16 May 1843 close to the rim of the cylinder was applied to 1st variation Civilian models only. It was discontinued at the request of the Ohio Gun Collectors Association.

1.4_6 RNMA 2nd variation 1st sub-variation #1099: Note cylinder engraved with Centaure proprietary navel scene fitted and legend ENGAGED 16 May 1843


D:\#1099 RNMA 2V 1SV MS USA\1-P1020659.JPG

1.4_7 Butt view of RNMA #1099 pretty custom made horn grip fitted


#2212: Custom engraved RNMA 2nd variation 1st sub-variation. This piece of art was probably embellished by Horacio Acevedo Sr., associate of Thomas Haas during the early 1960s.

1.4_8 RNMA #2212


#6969: Cute serial number of this RNMA 1st variation 3rd sub-variation!


D:\#6969 RNMA 1V 3SV MS USA\1-P1020711.JPG

1.4_9 RNMA #6969: Note visible serial number on barrel lug, frame and trigger guard



Civilian Models


#C1: This is the very first Civilian model. Found in the Shore Collection with original carton and instructions for use! It is a Civilian 1st variation. Barrel marking reads “1960 NEW MODEL ARMY. The cylinder had been roll-engraved at the Belgian factory with the Centaure proprietary naval engagement scene with legend ENGAGED 16 May 1843 close to the rim. Typically for this early production Centaure there is no centaur logo on the frame.